
Player Analysis for League - Womens Division I Base Points 500

26 Players have played in this league so far this season
Player Matches Played Start of Season Points Current Points Gain/Loss
Vahbiz Bulsara (19008)4700070000
Heather Bean (10883)125002420-80
Hannah Boden (18308)22325234015
Tracey Webster (14312)52250233585
Megan North (18456)52074210935
Zoe Talbot (18108)1209520950
Lynn Edwards (18018)32042206725
Florence Edwards (15509)718562046190
Ruby Vaughan-Palmer (18539)716601890230
Julia Madigan (18590)1181518150
Jess Kitley (18384)117901775-15
Karen Millard (17091)1176017600
Sue Kent (10881)21740175010
Sandy Chan (18589)118001720-80
Leila Gelmon (18371)2170517050
Rida Ali (18555)614051655250
Florence Perris (18104)41610163020
Hermione Vartan (18017)316501575-75
Izabel Feitosa-Bahia (18501)216201540-80
Benetta Adamson (18062)1152515250
Maya Barron (18310)516851505-180
Grace Winton (18526)312501470220
Helen Perris (18063)21290130010
Fiona Mackay (16301)2102410240
Dionne McGrath (18931)150052020
Sarah Majka (18921)10485485